Recruiting on the internet: Using the internet to recruit staff

Today, finding staff on the internet is standard practice. Here is the process explained.

For an SME, the first stage consists of posting an ad on its webpage. If using employment services, it must make sure that the ad also features on their website.

An ad will, however, have more success on one of the main online job exchanges. The differences between the various services, in terms of cost, number of visitors and technical approach, are huge. So a comparison of the various offerings is essential. Online ads have two main advantages: they cost less and can be viewed 24/7.

For larger companies, online recruitment is a good solution. Applicants can register directly by completing a form online. The information is automatically saved in a database and can be filtered according to specific criteria.

Social networks

The internet contains a wealth of information about a company whether published by the company itself or by others. Social networks allow applicants to learn more actively about the company. They can easily see what the company is saying about itself, what others are saying about it in discussion platforms or even check whether one of their contacts knows someone in the company for a recommendation.

For employers, social networks are also a source of information about potential applicants. Through what is known as “active sourcing”, it is possible to identify and approach applicants who match the required profile.



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Last modification 10.11.2022

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