Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Green paper rolled into a ball, symbolising a bulb, with 'CSR ' written at the side

Turning to corporate social responsibility is a way for SMEs to become greener and more socially conscious and therefore optimize their production. 

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means that companies are responsible for the effects of their activities on society and the environment and covers a wide range of aspects that companies must take into account.

These include working conditions (including occupational health), human rights, environment, anti-corruption measures, fair competition, consumer interests, taxes, and transparency. To implement CSR, companies need to take stakeholder interests into account (shareholders, employees, consumers, local communities and NGOs). For example, it involves ensuring equal treatment between men and women or overseeing the environmental impact of an activity on a region. 

CSR assumes compliance with laws and social partnerships. Society’s expectations, which may go beyond legal obligations, are also to be considered. 

Various terms are used in Switzerland to refer to CSR. For example, companies use corporate social responsibility (CSR), responsible business conduct or corporate sustainability.


Last modification 05.06.2024

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