Beyond export promotion, S-GE also works to encourage importing and the economic promotion of Switzerland in foreign countries.
The center of excellence in internationalization, Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE) is committed to helping SMEs increase their sales abroad.
Exports play a major role in the Swiss economy. They have taken on such importance that Switzerland now earns almost one franc out of two outside of its borders. The Confederation has tasked Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE), the center responsible for the promotion of foreign trade in Switzerland, to sustain this high level of exports and to help SMEs develop their sales abroad.
Specifically, S-GE, authorized by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), provides basic information to SMEs planning to establish themselves on new markets. In addition, the organization makes its export specialists available for customized consulting, contacts in the target countries or even to conduct studies. It also manages the Swiss Business Hubs centers, the dedicated contacts for SMEs in foreign countries. For additional information about the S-GE programs in the area of exporting, see:
Exportrisiken kontrollieren (2013) (PDF, 2 MB, 14.11.2019)PostFinance und Switzerland Global Enterprise (SGE)
Last modification 05.11.2021