Thanks to the SECO Start-up Fund (SSF), the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs enables Swiss investors to finance start-ups in various regions around the world. Here are the main access conditions.
- The SECO Start-up Fund (SSF) offers loans covering up to two thirds of the investment costs in the target country; up to twice the amount contributed by the borrowers/investors, with a cap of CHF 500'000 (all three criteria must be met). Repayment is over 7 years.
- The following are eligible for SSF loans: investors domiciled in Switzerland, who have a good reputation and would like to finance the start-up of a business or its first expansion phase (as long as it has been in existence for a maximum of six years), in one of the developing or transition countries deemed priority by the SECO. The fund website mentioned below provides a list of States.
- Successful applications correspond to private sector investment projects, which have a measurable impact in terms of development. For example, they involve long-term jobs, transfer of expertise, etc. They also need to be commercially viable and comply with recognized social and environmental standards.
- SECO has entrusted management of the fund to Finance contact in Zurich. You can find all the eligibility conditions, the general terms and conditions of loans along with all required documentation and details of the procedure, on the following page: Terms and conditions of loans and procedure