A map of Switzerland with portraits of people from various nationalities

Improving integration of refugees into the workforce

Despite being a valuable potential workforce for businesses, refugees often struggle to integrate into the professional world. Yet, a considerable portion of this population possesses solid educational backgrounds.
A man in front of his computer takes notes in a notebook.

Is starting a business part-time a good idea?

(03.04.2024) Launching a startup while retaining your full-time job offers numerous benefits, particularly in the early stages of striking out on your own. However, managing both commitments effectively demands a strong support network and the ability to delegate. Here's some advice and a firsthand account.
A person puts a coin into a pig-shaped piggy bank.

Retirement planning for independents: what you need to know

(06.03.2024) Independent entrepreneurs are responsible for financing their own retirement. Here’s a recap of the key points to understand and expert advice.
Two businessmen shake hands.

Entreprises: successfully planning for business succession

(07.02.2024) One out of three SMEs disappears in Switzerland due to a lack of successors. Business succession is a fundamental challenge to ensure the continuity and success of an enterprise. The necessary steps for its execution are often complex and require several years of preparation.
Employees in discussion in a meeting room.

How to reduce employee absences due to stress?

(03.01.2024) Burnout and emotional exhaustion contribute to a growing number of sick leaves in Switzerland. Some companies are taking measures, following recommendations from Health Promotion Switzerland, to improve the well-being of their employees.

Last modification 02.01.2024

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