Switzerland's economic promotion

A swiss coin, a graph of stock exchange prices in the background.

To maintain the attractiveness and competitiveness of Swiss companies, the Federal government’s economic promotion activities includes a strategy for the period 2024-2027. The main focus of the new measures constitutes increasing support for SMEs and regions, as well as sustainability and digitization.

The Message on Economic Promotion for the Years 2024 to 2027 was approved by the Federal Council on 25 January 2023. One of its main purposes is to continue the development of economic promotion instruments whose funding expired at the end of 2023. The Federal Council has requested a total budget of 646.13 million Swiss francs from Parliament.

These investments by the Swiss government improve Switzerland's attractiveness and competitiveness as a business location. In this context, reinforcing efforts in support of SMEs and regions, as well as emphasizing sustainable development and digitization themes, prove to be essential elements.

Five objectives

To strengthen and support Switzerland's competitiveness as a business location, the Swiss government's economic promotion activities include  implementing various measures:

  • Enhance the framework conditions for SMEs;
  • Strengthen regions;
  • Contribute to sustainable development;
  • Seize digital opportunities;
  • Enhance the appeal of the Swiss economic and tourist landscape.

Six financial focuses

The six proposed financial decrees that the Federal Council has submitted to Parliament concern e-governance (E-governance: SECO initiatives), the organization promoting innovation in the field of tourism Innotour, the Switzerland Tourism, the Fonds de développement régional , the Export promotion and location promotion in Switzerland. These decrees are intended to ensure continued funding and development of instruments useful to these six sectors from 2024 to 2027.

The Federal Council also proposes a federal decree for the implementation of the multi-year program 2024-2031 concerning the New Regional Policy.

A focus on digitization and sustainability

In the current climate, it seems inevitable that the instruments of economic promotion should be digitalized. EasyGov.swiss, the online desk for companies, is particularly interesting for SMEs. The period from 2024 to 2027 aims to expand the range of services provided by this platform, with a focus on reducing the administrative burden for businesses.

Digitalization of the tourism sector is also strongly encouraged, as well as the development of investment promotion and sustainability. Efforts in the area of digitization will continue to be made within the framework of the New Regional Policy (NPR), which has established itself as a promotional tool for the relevant stakeholders. Emphasis will also be placed on sustainable development and the local economy. Finally, the support for export-oriented businesses will be enhanced through joint promotional activities abroad.


Last modification 17.06.2024

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