Business Transformation: Swiss companies can do better

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(07.09.2022) Just 9% of Swiss companies are exploiting their full potential, according to a study conducted by the University of Lucerne (HSLU) and the Swiss Association for Organization and Management (SGO), which assesses companies' performance in business transformation.

Undertaken with the aim of guaranteeing the future success of a company, a business transformation consists of changing the way a department - or the company as a whole - manages its activities, i.e., offers, processes and employee skills or qualifications.

The study, entitled "Business Transformation Survey 2022", surveyed 338 executives and defined a "Business Transformation Maturity Score" (BTMS). This number indicates, on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 6 (highest), not only the degree of readiness of the company for such a change, but also the transformation process itself and the competencies required to achieve it.

Although results vary by industry sector, with financial services and insurance providers scoring 3.8 BTMS and public administration scoring 3.2, only 9% of the companies surveyed rank as "champions" of business transformation. The average BTMS score for this category was 4.8, while 47% of the other companies surveyed scored only 2.9, and were classified as "beginners".

Co-author of the study, Jan Schlüchter, believes that "there is still a lot of improvement potential overall". There are three decisive factors for successful business transformation: "management involvement", "a positive error and learning culture" and "the rapidity of change implementation".


Last modification 07.09.2022

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