How to improve your company’s sustainability

The objective of the third step in the analysis of a company’s sustainability measures is to identify the conceivable options for improvement and their feasibility.

Drawing up a checklist

Drawing up a checklist makes it possible to determine the options for improving a company’s sustainability and their feasibility. The checklist is intended to highlight the various risks and benefits generated by the changes planned.

Sample checklist

The sample checklist below is based on the energy consumption of a theoretical company and the measures considered to increase its sustainability.

Considerations Feasibility
To what usages are the various energy sources employed allocated? Is it possible to reduce the use of some of these energies in full or in part? Yes - Fuel oil is used exclusively for the back-up generators. Replacing the old refrigeration equipment would mean using the generators less often and making savings in terms of fuel oil.
Are there any options to reduce overall energy consumption? Yes - Building insulation can be reinforced and ventilation improved. Savings on heating, cooling and lighting can also be made by transforming glazed surfaces.
What consequences would these changes have on the company’s activities?
Examples of factors:
  • Price
  • Quality
  • Reliability of supplies
  • Performance
  • Manufacturing equipment
  • Manufacturing processes
  • Skills
  • Marketing deadlines
  • Consumer expectations
  • Reputation
  • Sales
  • Profits

Expenses anticipated for reducing dependence on back-up generators.

Expenses anticipated for improving insulation, ventilation and transforming glazed surfaces.

Significant reduction in operating costs.

Increased reliability of activities thanks to reduction in dependence on back-up generators.

Contribution to improvement of customers’ environmental performance, while also securing long-term contracts.

Source: OECD guidelines on sustainable production


Last modification 10.10.2022

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