Crowdsupporting: Reward-based contributions

In this crowdfunding model, contributors donate money and receive compensation in return, such as the financed product before it is released to the public.

Crowdsupporting, also known as reward-based crowdfunding, is the financing of a project by numerous contributors who are then rewarded. This reward can take the form of a gift or receiving the developed product before it is released to the public. The projects supported can be commercial in nature, but also creative, cultural or sports-related. 

Making your dream come true

Wemakeit, the leading crowdsupporting platform in Switzerland, helped Alexandra, Jimmy and Julien Monney make their dream come true. Together, they launched their mobile artisan café in French-speaking Switzerland, following the examples seen in Sydney. Once the food truck had been ordered, they still needed CHF 25,000 to finance decoration of the truck, packaging and their website. They raised this amount in just one month at the end of 2016, thanks to the participation of 147 contributors. In exchange, donors received free drinks and the most generous donors had Sydney Café specialties named after them.


Last modification 07.01.2021

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