Planning vacations

Vacations are essential to every worker's work-life balance—and therefore the balance of the company.

In Switzerland, an employer is required to grant at least four weeks’ leave per year to each of its employees. This amount is five weeks for workers under the age of 20. An individual employment contract, a standard employment contract or a collective bargaining agreement may, of course, provide for more leave.

Part-time workers are entitled to paid leave in proportion to the hours worked. Vacation pay is often already included in hourly pay. When this is the case, the amount of allowances must be stipulated separately in the employment contract.

In certain cases of extended absence, such as for an illness or exercising a public function, a reduction in leave by the employer may be possible.

Planning holidays

As a general rule, the employer plans employees' vacation periods while taking their wishes into account. Typically, employees with children usually want time off during the school holidays. For employers, the primary consideration is the smooth running of the company. It is therefore in their interests to plan their employees’ time off well in advance. Employers are advised to schedule vacations at least three months in advance.


Last modification 27.02.2020

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