Bright summer ahead for Swiss tourism

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(26.06.2024) The forecast for the Swiss tourism sector is sunny: hotels are expected to record nearly 24.2 million overnight stays this season, an increase of 206,000 (+0.9%) compared to 2023, according to predictions by BAK Economics, commissioned by SECO.

Following a successful winter season with a 2.6% increase in overnight stays, totaling 17.9 million, the positive trend in Swiss tourism is set to continue this summer, though at a slightly slower pace. Domestic demand is expected to dip by 2.1% (-244,000) from last year, partly due to sluggish growth in purchasing power.

Moreover, European tourists are projected to decrease this summer (-103,000 / -0.7% year-on-year), largely due to stagnant real wages across the continent. The Swiss franc's appreciation against the euro and the pound sterling has also influenced travel plans for many.

In contrast, robust growth is anticipated from non-European markets (+553,000 / +9.2%), driven by strong Asian demand. Visitors from North America are also expected to increase, with the United States poised to become the largest foreign market for Swiss tourism this summer, with 2.1 million overnight stays (+17,000 / +0.8%), surpassing Germany.

Looking ahead to 2025, trends are expected to shift: European demand is likely to be boosted by rising nominal wages and slowing inflation, while American tourists may become less frequent. In the longer term, the study predicts a normalization of domestic demand to approximately 14% higher than in 2019. Additionally, the number of tourists from non-European countries is expected to continue its upward trajectory.


Last modification 24.06.2024

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