
In this section you will find articles on current developments in information technologies as well as on topics of corporate social responsibility.


One out of three Swiss SMEs has already fallen victim to a cyberattack, and the risk continues to increase, according to the National Center for Cybersecurity (NCSC). How can one best protect their company against this risk?

Digitalization of SMEs in Switzerland: A key factor

Companies must adapt their operations and digitalize to remain competitive. Definitions and examples.

Opportunities of artificial intelligence

Due its data processing capacity, artificial intelligence offers Swiss companies new opportunities.

Prediction and Big data

Called the black gold of the digital world, Big Data offers new perspectives to companies that treat them.

Blockchain sharing

Blockchain encompasses, in a secure log, digital transactions by eliminating intermediaries.

The internet of Things (IoT): Uses and opportunities

Connected and intelligent, objects today have their own digital identity. Their use involves as many challenges as they do possibilities.

SMEs adopt cloud computing

Increasingly used by companies, cloud computing makes it possible to store large volumes of data on secure external servers.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Turning to corporate social responsibility is a way for SMEs to become greener and more socially conscious and therefore optimize their production.