Improving your accounting knowledge

It is well worth having some basic accounting knowledge, and this is something that you can do on your own.

Entrepreneurs who have hardly any knowledge of accounting must, at least, know the basics. You can teach yourself using textbooks and specialist literature or by taking a class in the essentials, such as the one offered by the Société suisse des employés de commerce (SEC Suisse).


  • Gerard Melyon, Rémédios Noguera, Comptabilité générale, paperback, April 2018.
  • Aswath Damodaran, Finance d'entreprise, théorie et pratique, paperback, June 2006.
  • Anne-Marie Keiser, Gestion financière, paperback, February 2004.
  • Bruno Röösli, La comptabilité analytique d'exploitation, théorie et exercices, paperback, Verlag SKV, Zurich 2021.
  • Pierre Vernimmen, Pascal Quiry, Yann Le Fur, Finance d'entreprise 2016 - 14th ed., paperback, 2015
  • Dov Ogien, Maxi fiches, Gestion financière de l'entreprise - 3rd edition, paperback, 2018
  • Béatrice & Francis Grandguillot, La comptabilité générale, 2019


Last modification 08.02.2024

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