Innovation on the decline in Switzerland

Eine Hand hält eine Glühbirne, deren Kopf in ein Netz aus Linien und Punkten übergeht.

(08.01.2025) R&D investments declining in Swiss SMEs. The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) has launched a research project to investigate the causes of this decline and propose solutions, as innovation is a strategic priority for the economy.

Titled "Neue Innovationsmodelle" (New Innovation Models), the FHNW project aims to identify the reasons behind the drop in innovation in Switzerland and suggest strategies to address it. The report will primarily examine sector-specific innovation models and their impact on innovation policy, focusing on four key areas: data practices, sustainability innovations, regulation and innovation, and collaborative innovation efforts.

Researchers will concentrate on four economic sectors: medical technologies (Medtech), finance and fintech, the pharmaceutical industry, and information and communication technology (ICT). These sectors are particularly dynamic in terms of innovation and are strongly influenced by macroeconomic trends like digitization and sustainability.

The study will be led by FHNW’s School of Business in collaboration with the KOF Swiss Economic Institute at ETH Zurich and the CFAC Center for Aviation & Space Competence. Commissioned by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), the study is expected to conclude in November 2025.


Last modification 07.01.2025

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